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Is It Possible to Get a Cavity on Your Front Teeth?

When you think about getting a cavity filled, the back teeth usually require such dental work. This makes sense considering this is where most chewing takes place, there is more surface area on these teeth, and there are more “hard to reach” areas at the back of the mouth. However, you can also get cavities in your front teeth. While less common, you may find that you are experiencing tooth pain on your incisors (front teeth) due to decay and require dental work to prevent the decay from spreading. Wherever your cavity may be, if you are in the Wallingford, Connecticut area, you can trust Dr. Sandra Vukovic and the team at Wolfy Dental Group to provide tooth colored, composite restorations aka white fillings for treatment.


When sugary or acidic food and drink are consumed, oral bacteria also snack on this food. The bacteria then convert into an acid, eating away your healthy teeth, resulting in tiny holes, cavities, and tooth decay. When not treated promptly, oral decay can spread throughout the tooth, leading to more extensive work later on (not to mention more discomfort). Decay can also spread to adjacent teeth and your gums, eventually leading to tooth loss and periodontal disease. It does not matter where your cavity is; you should not delay treatment. Not only can tooth decay easily be fixed when detected early, but the treatment also is not painful. However, if more extensive treatment is required due to negligence, such as a root canal, you will be looking at a much more extensive procedure, not to mention more expensive.


Untreated cavities will negatively affect your dental health and cause appearance issues. Dr. Vukovic and her team at Wolfy Dental Group would love to help you treat your cavities. Dr. Vukovic offers tooth-colored fillings made to match the color of your tooth. The high-quality fillings will repair the damage done by tooth decay and assist in preventing further cavities. Once you have received your white filling, here are some simple steps you can take to avoid other cavities from forming:

  • Floss daily
  • Brush twice daily with fluoride toothpaste
  • Rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash
  • Visit your dentist twice a year for examination and cleaning

Call Our Office For More Information

New Patients : (203) 902-3629 | Existing Patients : (203) 265-3139


To schedule an appointment at Wolfy Dental Group in Wallingford, Connecticut, please call (203) 902-3629.