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The Comprehensive Guide to Having a Crown on a Front Tooth

The image depicts a dental professional showing a dental model to a patient. The patient is attentively listening and engaged in the conversation.

Our front teeth play a substantial role in our daily lives, from helping us with speech to creating an impactful first impression. But what happens if your front tooth gets damaged? Worry not, because dental crowns are becoming an increasingly popular solution and for good reasons. If you’re contemplating getting a crown on your front tooth, then please read.


Understanding Dental Crowns and Their Purpose

Dental crowns in Wallingford, CT are a tooth-shaped, often natural-looking dental prosthetic installed over your natural tooth. They are used to restore a tooth’s shape, size, strength, or appearance—no wonder why many people opt to have them!

They come in various materials, like gold, ceramic, and porcelain, chosen according to the patient’s requirement and preference. In front teeth cases, due to aesthetic considerations, tooth-colored crowns are generally preferred.


The Role of the Front Tooth in Your Smile

Your front teeth not only help you bite and chew but greatly influence the way your smile looks, your speech, and more. A damaged front tooth can adversely affect these functions and the way you look. It can cause discomfort, misalignment, and even lead to more serious dental issues without treatment.


Crown on a Front Tooth: The Procedure and Results

The procedure for having a crown on the front tooth is precise and takes place over two dental appointments. During the first visit, your dentist prepares your tooth by removing any decay and reshaping it fit for the crown. Afterwards, an impression is taken of your tooth and sent to a dental lab where the permanent crown is created. During the second visit, the permanent crown is cemented onto your tooth.

Upon completion, you’re sure to notice an enormous difference. Your front tooth will look natural and give the appearance of a healthy, complete smile.


Make Your Smile Shine with a Crown on Your Front Tooth from Wolfy Dental Group

We understand the importance of your perfect smile. Our crown procedure is dedicated to ensuring you the best possible results. Using state-of-the-art tools and technologies, we help restore smiles and promote good oral health.

Everyone deserves a perfectly aligned and radiant smile. If you’re considering a dental crown for your front tooth, don’t hesitate to reach out to a dentist. Schedule a consultation today with Dr. Sandra Vukovic and our expert dental team at our Wolfy Dental Group office in Wallingford, CT to discover your best dental solutions.